In Our Eyes

5 Star Day

In Our Eyes

Title In Our Eyes
Artist 5 Star Day
Album Artist Series - 5 Star Day
Description Authoritative Ruminating With Anthem Chours And Male Vocals
Released 2012-04-23
BPM 82

We fight to kill seeds they've sewn
I try but I feel them grow
They made a trade long ago
For house and home

We are the ones innocent and left behind
Fatherless sons we're taking over now
They are the ones who will have no alibi
We are the ones who were left to rise
They'll see it in our eyes

Been down here for way too long
See now that the day has come
No time left for idle hands
Let it begin

We are the ones innocent and left behind
Fatherless sons we're taking over now
They are the ones who will have no alibi
We are the ones who were left to rise
They'll see it in our eyes

We are the ones...fatherless sons
We are the has begun

We are the ones innocent and left behind
Fatherless sons we're taking over now
They are the ones who will have no alibi
We are the ones who were left to rise
They'll see it in our eyes

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