So Long

5 Star Day

So Long

Title So Long
Artist 5 Star Day
Album Artist Series - 5 Star Day
Description Pensive Grievous With Powerful Chorus And Male Vocals
Released 2012-04-23
BPM 138

Sooner or later
You're bound to see I've wasted
All that I've become
You've seen enough

Sooner or later
I'm bound to see you waited
But it's way too long
You're way too strong
I'll never know why you've been waiting

So long said
So gone and I wonder why you start to cry
So long ...I said
So gone and you wonder why I never cried
But I did...

Giving and taking
We found a way to make it
But I walked away
I could not stay

Giving and taking
Wasted time just waiting
For the end to come
It's said and done
I'll never know what you've been seeing

So said
So gone and I wonder why you start to cry
So long...I said
So gone and you wonder why I never cried

Can you see it
I'll never say it

So said
So gone and I wonder why you start to cry
So long...I said
So gone and you wonder why I never cried
But I did...
So long you said

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